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How to wear shorts in summer 2022

Shorts (σορτς) are undeniably the clothing of the summer. Whatever the occasion, there’s a pair of shorts to go with it. Especially this summer, trends present us with a wide variety of shorts, which cover the needs of every woman. And of course, there are many suggestions on how to wear shorts in the summer of 2022.

Bermuda for summer 2022

One of this summer’s big trends is bermuda shorts. Those who do not particularly like short shorts, this summer will have the opportunity to enjoy another alternative. Especially denim shorts will star and you can combine them with everything. From t-shirts and sneakers for morning walks, to tops and sandals for evening appearances. Of course, apart from jeans, you will find shorts in many fabrics. A nice set of linen shorts and a matching waistcoat is all you need for a stylish look.

Matching set with shorts

Another beloved trend of summer 2022 is matching sets. They had already entered our lives since winter and now continue with sets that include shorts. You can find matching shorts with shirts and tops. Also, another very popular option is knitted sets, which are extremely cute. Whatever alternative you choose, know that it is the most convenient and comfortable for your summer.

Shorts with a wide leg

As you may have noticed, in recent years the wider and boyfriend style shorts have partially replaced the very tight and short ones. The same is the case this summer, where comfort and elegance come first.

You can easily combine them with everything. A very nice idea is a shirt in a lively color and sandals or mules. They’re also perfect for pairing with crop tops and favorite Y2K platforms. If you want to develop the outfit even more, prefer colored jeans and a knitted t-shirt on top.

Biker shorts

Cycling tights are a piece of clothing that we have grown to love in recent years. This summer will not be an exception either, during which you will see them take the lead. And you might think they’re only meant for athleisure and fitness, but the outfits here will make you reconsider.

Of course you can wear your biker shorts with an oversized t-shirt and sneakers for a relaxed and unpretentious look. However, you can be more creative by combining it with a shirt, sandals and a clutch. Another original suggestion is to wear it with a matching top and put a net dress on top.

Linen shorts in summer 2022

Linen is a favorite summer fabric. This year, too, we do not intend to leave aside the comfortable and relaxed linen shorts. You can wear them with simple t-shirts, shirts and knitted tops. You can wear whatever shoes you want underneath. From sandals, sneakers, even espadrilles.


Whether it’s soft or bright pink, it’s the perfect combination for a blonde woman. It is so girly, that combined with the beautiful hair shade, they make an explosive combination. Don’t be afraid to wear a pink outfit in winter as well, in addition to summer and you will surely impress the crowds!

Coffee brown

Brown is probably one of the nicest clothes colors for blonde women. It creates a very harmonious effect, which you will want to wear all the time. But, better go for more, during the winter months and try something brighter for the summer. Nevertheless, it is not unfairly very fashionable lately and is worn by most women.


Chances are, you already have a beige piece in your closet, if not more. Then, you will already know how much it suits you and lights you up. With this color you look very refreshed and summery, without even trying to. You can wear it all year round, as the beige color is not prohibited, under any circumstances.


What can one say about the color black? We all have millions of clothes in black because it is the safest, but also convenient color, since it goes with everything and we don’t have to spend hours looking for what to wear.

Many people say that black clothes are dull and oppressive. I will say that there is no more chic color than black. It suits all hair colors, but if you are blonde, then you will stand out in a simple black dress. You will be sexier than ever. After all, it is no coincidence that they say that the simplest is also the most beautiful!

These are our suggestions for unique outfits with outfits with shorts. Choose what you like and think will suit you best and look great in shorts this summer.

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